Vaccin size 2.06 MB Vaccin is 3 oscillators hybrid synthesizer. It features various waveforms, pulse width modulation and FM lead the way, which are complemented with filters à la 303 lowpass LFO and modulation matrix.   Vaccin  ( 2.06 ...

 Symptohm PE size 41.5 MB  / 18.2 MB  / 45 MB  / 44.8 MB / 51.2 MB Symptohm Performer Edition is an easy to use preset synth, built from the Symptohm:Melohman synth engine. Explore all of 1200+ Symptohm’s presets. They ...

 Parisma Eighties size 1.05 MB Parisma Eighties VST is an ultra simple synth, it delivers a unique sound.   Parisma_Eighties-_v1.0  ( 1.05 MB ) ...

 MPS size 0.59 MB  / 0.63 MB  / 1.89 MB  MPS – short for Musical Parameter Synthesizer – is a polyphonic synthesizer. It is written in native C++ code for high performance. The aim of MPS is to create sounds ...

 M-theory size 8.37 MB M-theory is capable of a rather wide range of sounds, and it excels at creating hybrid sounds that have somecharacteristics of acoustic instruments. M-theory is a hybrid synth that is built around the Karplus-Strong physical modeling ...

 Ignito size 2.17 MB Ignito is a hybrid stepseq synthesizer with sync FM and RM. 4 oscillators with 24 waveforms. 2 wavedraw oscs. Ctrl A and ctrl B mode. 2 LFOs with phase and 20 shapes. Filter envelope. Pitch envelope. ...

 Burt size 3.38 MB Noisebud Burt is a bass synth that deliver grit and dirt. The sound engine is based on waveshaping through distortion, bit crush and resonance.   Noisebud_Burt  ( 3.38 MB ) ...

 Richman size 1.57 MB Richman2 is a plucked strings synthetizer. Using a Hybrid of Physical Modelling and FM synthesis, Richman2 is designed to be an expressive plug-in, which in the right hands can make real sounding and organic sounds. Specialising in ...

 Miffi size 1.57 MB Miffi is a morphing synthesizer which employs a variant of DSF synthesis which uses complex number arithmetic to generate comb filtered stereo signals. By morphing between two DSF parameter sets, Miffi is capable of synthesizing a ...

 Ingo 1 size 2.21 MB Ingo 1 is a hybrid stepseq synthesizer with sync and FM. 2 oscillators with 72 waveforms. 60 raw waveforms from Virus synth. Ctrl A and ctrl B mode. 2 lfos with phase and 22 shapes ...

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