Sound Delay v.1.7 size 5.44 MB / 16.5 MB / 12.6 Mb Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying plug-in. In Sound Delay, you may specify delay time in both milliseconds and samples, with a high level of precision. ...

 My First Synth size 2.35 MB  /  2.39 MB  /  2.57 MB  /  2.53 MB My First Synth is a simple monophonic synthesizer. This is my first “practice project” for learning how to make plugins. I’ve made some mistakes while doing ...

 TS-808 size 3.44 MB TS-808 is a software emulation of the Roland TR-808 hardware drum machine. It was created by reference to the TR-808 service notes and extensive analysis of samples. Details: TS-808 is a drum synth, not a sampler. Most ...

 Sonar – Free DAW size 66.3 MB Sonar is a digital audio workstation. Sonar is now free (on Windows), renamed Cakewalk by BandLab. Today, BandLab Technologies launched early access to ‘Cakewalk by BandLab’ –replacing SONAR, the iconic DAW developed by ...

 32-Band Equalizer size 927 KB Specifications:   – 32-Band Equalizer from 16Hz to 20kHz   – +/-20dB range each band   – Dry/Wet mix and output gain controls TDAe-EQ2032  ( 927 KB ) ...

 Noise Reduction v.1.0 size 2.51 MB The Noise Reduction plugin is based on a spectral gate to filter out unwanted noise in the frequency domain. The gate is based on the lightweight dynamic series and features a soft knee and ...

 MicroTuner size 1.54 MB MicroTuner adds microtuning capabilities to every VSTi and external synthesizer module, as long as the target synth supports receiving pitchbend on all MIDI channels. I am not talking about changing a note some cents up or ...

 midiPads size 0.86 MB midiPads is a very configurable MIDI controller VST plug-in. It has editable configurations of up to 128 pads (buttons, x/y pads, sliders) with customizable text, colors, and icons. Each pad can send a MIDI note and/or CC message(s). ...

 Drumburst X-824 size 18.3 MB Drumburst X-824 is an 8 parts drum machine with 64 waves at each slot making 512 waves in total: not too much for a quick selection but a good variety to work with. The inbuilt ...

 PianoRollComposer v.2.45 size 153 KB PianoRollComposer 2.45 is a MIDI Sequencer for composing and playing music. PianoRollComposer uses the standard treble and bass clef staffs. Notes are displayed in the piano roll format, so it shows music with absolute accuracy. ...

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