panDelay size 0.22 MB  / 0.22 MB Pan Delay is a panning delay effect. It can position anywhere from left to right, smooth rate changing. Extremly low on resources. Delay can play on left side or right side. Smooth transition ...

 DeeLay size 0.90 MB Deelay have six delays with filtered feedback that will follow the tempo of your host sequencer. Six delay lines with multimode filter and panning per delay. Synced or manual delay time controls, delay time up to ...

 Bionicdelay size 0.93 MB Bionicdelay is a vintage tape echo unit. It gives you separate control over the delay times on left and right channel. suitable for ping pong delays and drifting delays. tape model including tape saturation, wow, flutter, ...

 DualDelay size 0.13 MB DualDelay features: 2 independent left/right delays with delay and feedback controls Lowpass (-24 dB/Oct) resonant filter Delay times can be expressed in ms or in 16th notes Group mode for ping-pong delay effects   DualDelay  ( ...

 mashup size 1.29 MB mashup is a delay effect with an internal variable length step sequencer. It allows you to select from six delay types: 0.1, 1, or 10 second delays with or without interpolation. each step allows for specific ...

 AnalogDelay size 0.79 MB  /  0.91 MB AnalogDelay is a delay unit followed by a 2nd order lowpass filter with saturation. The delay-time can evolve between 0 and max-delay which lets you be very accurate You can also synchronise the ...

 Glitch size 0.82 MB Glitch is a MIDI triggered random delay. MIDI = MIDI activity LED. Fbk = Delay Feedback. TIME = Set delay time. T/R = Delay time range of random values. LFO = amount of LFO to Delay ...

 Discipline3 size 0.97 MB Discipline3 randomly switches between multiple delay taps for randomised audio segment effect.   discipline3  ( 0.97 MB ) ...

 Bizzare Delay size 0.87 MB  /  0.77 MB  / 0.77  MB  2 plug-ins in 1, the Bizzare Delay VST features a digital stereo delay unit as well as asaturating tape delay. Users have the ability to switch between each unit ...

 mgTempoDelay size 0.47 MB mgTempoDelay is a tempo-synced stereo delay with internal ducker and gate for better “in-the-mix” capabilities. It also has resonant filters in the feedback chain, plus additional hi- and low-pass for the whole delayed signal. For real ...

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