Delirion (Chorus) v1.0.0 10 MB Delirion is in essence a Doppler shifter that works across three different frequency bands. Each band can work across multiple channels, allowing you to tweak the input signal to something reminiscent of a fever dream. ...

 Tesseract vst (Hypercube Resonator) 16 MB This plugin simulates an ideal resonator like a perfect guitar string. Such a string has certain modes or frequencies that it can vibrate on. This concept can be generalized to higher dimensions. In the ...

 Drift Pitch (Vibrato Effect) v1.0.0 14 MB Easily customizable and super powerful! Add vibrato effect ANY sound without degrading the quality. To increase the range and amount of vibrato, simply turn up the big “Vibrato” knob. “Speed” knob changes the speed ...

 Vowel Changer (Formant Filter) 15 MB Vowel Changer Formant Filter is a high quality effect that changes the vowel of any sound in your project! Most effective on vocals, but it works wonders on complex sounds with harmonics including synths, guitars, ...

 Bezie v1.4.0 Win Mac 107 MB TAKE YOUR AUTOMATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL Bezie provides an interface for creating complex automation shapes with ease. Parameters can be easily mapped to any DAW and can be changed in realtime. Features: Automation ...

 YS Voice Vibrato v1.0.0 Win Mac Win Mac VST VST3 AU | 13.4 MB Ys  Voice Vibrato is an audio plugin for adding movement and liveliness to static sounds. Vibrato is mixed in parallel with the main signal, so you ...

 Faradelay v2.0.0 Win Mac Free | Win Mac Linux | 16.4 MB Faradelay is  a Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo all in one! Why have 3 separate modulated delay plug-ins when you can have one plug-in that does it all? The ...

 Nel Build 2023.09 Win Mac Linux FREE | Win Mac Linux | 10 MB Nel Build is An open-source vibrato plugin with an extensive modulation system. NEL is a vibrato plugin. It uses a feed-forward delay to modulate the signal ...

 Neutone FX v1.5.1 WiN MAC VST3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC | 524 MB AI audio plugin & community – Bridging the gap between AI research and creativity Neutone FX makes AI technologies accessible for all to experiment with. You’ll find ...

 AudioQAM size 1 MB AudioQAM simultaneously modulates phase and amplitude of audio input, and as a result, creates unexpected sound. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is widely used in digital communications. AudioQAM is derived from digital quadrature amplitude modulators and refined for audio ...