THIS GOES TO 127 size 1.2 MB THIS GOES TO 127! is a MIDI velocity maximizer. THIS GOES TO 127! is a simple VST with no controls. (The knob is just for show.) and it only does one thing, and ...
Throb size 1.56 MB / 1.81 MB / 5.33 MB / 10.6 MB Throb generates clock/reset signals synchronised with the host tempo. It will synchronize your DAW with other hardware clocks. The user interface is pretty simple: a knob to set the multiplier ...
DvnMIDIMeter size 3.27 MB / 3.32 MB DvnMIDIMeter is a MIDI plugin to adjust the notes velocity accordingly to a metric accent. Support all commons time signatures (1-16 for the numerator and 2,4,8 and 16 for the denominator). Per beat accent ...
Cales size 2.06 MB / 2.46 MB Cales allows you to map your keyboard’s keys to a musical scale. This will ensure that you will always stay in key, and never hit a wrong note. When “easy mode” is enabled, you ...
MidiKeySwitcher size 1.21 MB / 1.47 MB MidiKeySwitcher defines 2-key switches to select a MIDI Channel and send MIDI Messages to select Programs and Banks / SubBanks from a MIDI keyboard set to a fixed channel. Its ultimate purpose is ...
PeakFreak size 0.49 MB PeakFreak is a plugin that converts audio input that falls into a certain frequency and amplitude range into midi notes of a certain length. This can for example be useful if you want to trigger the bass drum ...
Step Machine v.0.901 size 1.20 MB Step Machine is midi loop sequencer, in the style of a classic analog step sequencer.To use it your host must support midi output from vst plugins.As the host plays, you will see the sequencer ...
Humanisator size 0.47 MB Humanisator works as some kind of anti-quantizer, bringing more human feel into sequenced notes. You can define how much and in what range Humanisator should alter the timing, velocity, pitch and modulation of the MIDI stream, ...