PolyGrid size 610 KB PolyGrid – MIDI editor and pattern sequencer for Windows. Poly Grid features – 64 patterns, variable pattern length (in beats count) – User-defined grid frequency – User-defined editor snapping value – Midi recording with optional input ...
MonoBar v.1.1 size 221 KB AZ Audio has released MonoBar, a simple VSTi midi sequencer for Windows compatible VST hosts. ‘Mono’ because only 1 midi voice is sent and ‘Bar’ because it uses some canvas bar object in its GUI. ...
Acid XPress 5.0a size 36 MB ACID XPress is a music creation tool. Make your own original music with the click of a mouse and a few “painted” strokes. It’s easy–just pick some loops, paint them into a track, and ...
Gungirl Sequencer v.0.3.1 size 2.48 MB Gungirl Sequencer is an easy to use Audiosequencer. It includes a simple Filemanager and uses Drag & Drop to arrange Audiosamples. ggseq-v0.3.1 ( 2.48 MB ) ...
Scale Chord Generator v.3.0 size 3.92 MB Scale Chord Generator displays the notes of a selected chord or scale on a musical staff, piano keyboard, guitar fretboard or bass fretboard. In addition, it will display the name of a chord ...
OpenSebJ size 837 KB OpenSebJ is a free real time audio sample mixer that runs on Microsoft Windows. The source code for OpenSebJ is released under the GNU General Public License. Open SebJ is an application that allows you to ...
Beatport SYNC size 28.5 MB Based on the award-winning TRAKTOR 3 technology, this free software for Mac and PC lets you mix tracks like a DJ using the two virtual decks, a crossfader and auto beat sync function. Beatport SYNC ...
EZplayer Free v.1.0 size 3.88 Mb EZplayer Free is a MIDI bridge, organizer and wrapper between different drum sampler formats. It is the first step towards EZplayer, which will be unveiled and released later this year and will boast much ...
SoundEditor v.1.0 size 123 KB SoundEditor does not offer all the advanced functions of some of the other audio editor available, but does work extremely quickly and has the added bonus of working straight after downloading, without having to install ...
Audacity 2.0.6 size 8.52 MB Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings ...