Drift Pitch (Vibrato Effect) v1.0.0 14 MB Easily customizable and super powerful! Add vibrato effect ANY sound without degrading the quality. To increase the range and amount of vibrato, simply turn up the big “Vibrato” knob. “Speed” knob changes the speed ...
YS Dynamics v1.01 29 MB YS – Dynamics_ Audio plugin for parallel compression. High and low frequency cutoff filters allow you to select the desired range for adding a compression effect. The volume module for controlling dynamics has four different ...
Aurora (Air Enhancer) v1.0 15 MB Add pristine high end to your mix easily! It has a main “Air” knob, which controls the amount of high-end signal to boost. Adjust the “Freq” knob to change the target frequency to increase. ...
YS Filters FX v1.00 30 MB Audio plugin. Special effect of resonant filters, for adding colors to “boring” timbres. https://www.facebook.com/Yriisem YS_-_Filters_FX_v1.00 ( 30 MB ) ...
Vowel Changer (Formant Filter) 15 MB Vowel Changer Formant Filter is a high quality effect that changes the vowel of any sound in your project! Most effective on vocals, but it works wonders on complex sounds with harmonics including synths, guitars, ...
Free Release ( master bus sweetener ) 35 MB It’s a single-knob master bus sweetener effect that uses dynamics, waveshaping and early reflections to make your music sound clearer and more up-front. Turn up your listening volume to hear this subtle ...
YS EQP 2M v1.01 Equalizer 26 MB Audio plugin. Equalizer capable of repeating the curves of “Pultek” and adding something more. The device can work in stereo, two mono and central-side (Mid-Side) modes. https://www.facebook.com/Yriisem YS_-_EQP-2M_v1.01 ( 26 MB ) ...
EVOampLite (Guitar Amp Simulator) v1.0 41 MB We are very proud to present our First Guitar Amp simulator! This is provided to you for free, to give you a taste of our full EVOampSuite launching in September. EVOampSuite provides over ...
Tonebox v1.0 Saturation VST 14 MB Introducing Tonebox, a powerful saturation and tone shaping tool that brings together the best of vintage warmth and modern precision. Designed for today’s producers and engineers, Tonebox allows you to shape your audio with ...
Wave Breaker v1.0.1 WiN macOS 8.12 MB The ultimate true-peak stereo limiter Wave Breaker is a true-peak stereo limiter designed to provide high levels of transparency and instant visual feedback for a seamless workflow. It uses the design concepts and ...