RetroBandlite 1.5.7



size 910 KB

The Concept
RetroBand models several aspects of the interaction between gain stages and transformers of analogue gear, referred to as intra-modulation (IM), i.e. Class A/B gain stage switching distortion. It also features several forms of transient shaping in-between the stages.

The Sound
RetroBand is a distortion unit at heart, but this type and concept hasn’t been previously available as a digital model. It goes from warming, sharpening, roughing up, softening and smoothing – or all these combined. It may desirably enrich sterile sound sources. Failing equipment can be easily simulated and this allows plenty of creativity. With some luck, it makes things sound “larger than life”. The transient enhanced IM with mid-side stereo control can change or revive a stereo image, too.

RetroBandLite is a free cut down version of the commercial RetroBand. There are no time or preset usage limitations, but many of the advanced features of the full version are missing and RetroBandLite processes everything as mono.

The file includes Windows version.

YouTube Video

download win 32 download free vst

RetroBandLite_WIN_v1.5.7  ( 910 KB )

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