VSTHost size 3.21 MB / 2.87 MB VSTHost is a VST-compatible host that’s capable of: loading VST effects. parameterizing / editing them. sound output for VSTis. MIDI input and output. loading / saving .fxb / .fxp files. I/O through either Windows ...
Midilegato size 0.89 MB Midilegato delays NoteOff events on one midi channel to turn generated sequences into legato sequences. https://www.xoxos.net/ midilegato ( 0.89 MB ) ...
Crush size 20.6 MB / 20.7 MB / 11.2 MB / 22.6 MB CRUSH algorithmically models a phenomenon common in class-B amplifiers called crossover distortion. This form of distortion produces a very unique, crunchy sound that has been noted as a characteristic of ...
Isis size 0.79 MB Isis is a multiwave synthesizer. 2 Oscillators with 64 Waves each. Keyboard control of oscillator waves can put a different waveform under each key. Use your MIDI keyboard to dynamically switch oscillator waves AS YOU PLAY. ...
Sumo size 1.16 MB Sumo is an effect plugin to make any sound as fat as you like. It’s good for fattening up leads and basses, adding some weight to pads, making your vocals chubby and your drums obese. http://delamancha.co.uk/ ...
antiknot size 3.37 MB antiknot is a randomizable signal processing effect featuring EQ, warm saturated tri band and single band compression, flanger, delay, reverb and uniphaser units. Warm saturated tri-band and single-band compression, EQ, flanger, equalizer, tremolo, phaser, reverb, delay. Internal ...
Hypnotic size 2.27 MB Hypnotic is a melody synth used for creating vibrant melodies. Hypnotic ( 2.27 MB ) ...
Autotalent size 0.22 MB / 0.98 MB This is a VST/AU port of Tom Baran’s open source pitch correction LADSPA plug-in. All credit goes to Tom for the algorithm. At the moment it is designed to be used on a mono ...
Rhythm Master size 1.26 MB Rhythm Master is an analog drum machine. 10 different classic rhythm patterns. 7 analog drumsounds. 3 soundset presets. Midi input for keyboard playing. Midi output for drum pattern recording or external sound triggering. Host and ...
Backman size 1.01 MB BackMan reverses incoming audio signal in sync (it will follow host BPM). This plugin is specially useful on live gigs to make that spinback effect DJs do. https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/klanglabs backman ( 1.01 MB ) ...