DD Gate size 0.72 MB / 0.72 MB DD Gate is a noise gate featuring a sidechain control. DD-Gate( 0.72 MB ) DD-Gate_x64 ( 0.72 MB ) ...
X-Citer size 0.63 MB X-Citer splits the signal into 4 tunable freq bands and then uses the signal as an impulse for an fm oscillator. The Pitch can be altered manually or swept by an LFO. This one loves to ...
Aerophone size 1.96 MB Aerophone models lip valve instruments with cylindrical bores such as trumpets and trombones. The lip valve is modeled with an oversampled 3rd order mass-spring to emulate expressive acoustic performance. The elementary acoustic circuit is capable of producing impressive ...
XPhaser size 2.63 MB XPhaser is a dual phaser VST effect plug-in for Windows. Two phasers with a different sound can be routed parallel or serial. Panorama and volume controls for the two phasers and the original signal offer you ...
LiveProfessor size 2.79 MB LiveProfessor is designed to be a effect rack of VST-plugins designed specifically for live. The concept is very simple. Using a ASIO audio card you can route inputs and outputs through your VST-plugins. The program supports snapshots, MIDI ...
BassZ size 4.70 MB DSK BassZ features 24 bass sounds (acoustic & synth). Master section (level, pan, fine). Amp. envelope. Velocity response. https://www.dskmusic.com/ DSK_BassZ ( 4.70 MB ) ...
Cubix size 7.82 MB Cubix is a drumsynth / sampleplayer with an onboard arpeggiated bassline synth. Each drum section has it’s own dual X-Fade sequencer section for beat mixing. Designed with live operation in mind, Cubix can be used for making ...
ClickCuts size 3.71 MB ClickCuts enables sample-accurate loop integration. Although being an FX, ClickCuts produces sound output on it’s own. Just load a WAV file or record any audio from an input source. The current loop section can be exported ...
Crazy Diamonds size 0.26 MB Crazy Diamonds emulates vintage string ensemble devices. Remember that gorgeous G minor chord just at the beginning of that famous song with a very similar name? You never found a plugin capable of producing such a ...
Lisp size 0.75 MB / 0.80 MB Lisp is a level-independent sibilance processor. Whether you use a traditional de-esser, sidechained compressor, dynamic EQ, or even edit your tracks manually, cleaning up sibilance problems in your vocals can get pretty tedious. Lisp ...