Arracis Gold
size 74.1 MB
Arracis Gold is an oscillator stepping synthesizer.
Its most significant feature is the 4 x 8 osc step-sequencer with adjustable gate-length + modulation on gate-length.
With this step-sequencer you can have a quite rhythmical output incl. short blips (stepping among the oscillators in selectable sequence) plus mixing to the normal (steady) output signal for vivid Pad or Atmos. In addition the 2 filters provide further means for tweaking. Finally at the output section there is Spook fx and two delays in series incl. pan modulation for delay and direct out for spatial movement.
- 4 PCM wave oscillators with 384 waves in 3 banks with mixable output in groups of 2 (User wave & SF2 files can be loaded too into each osc slot).
- 4 x 8 osc step-sequencer with various settings incl. gate-length, hard/soft knob, etc.
- Mixable output of stepped and normal (steady) osc signals incl. modulation.
- 1 24 dB resonant LP filter with ADSR EG and Modulation.
- 1 12 dB resonant HP filter with ADSR EG and Modulation.
- Filter bypass + modulation.
- 1 Bass Enhance.
- 1 Spook Fx.
- 2 Delays in series.
- 3 Pan (direct, delay 1 and delay 2) incl. modulation.
- 6 LFO + 1 S&H as mod sources.
- 6 Lazy Buttons (use ‘All’ for limitless patch switching).
- 10 voices.
- Key Velocity on Amp, LP & HP Cut, and Filter bypass.
ArracisGoldPro ( 74.1 MB )
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