JC-303 (Bass Synthesizer) v0.10.1 45 MB JC303 is Bass Synthesizer Audio Plugin, clone of Roland TB-303. This project is a JUCE port of Robin Schmidt’s Open303 DSP engine, with a mission to make Open303 accessible across different platforms and plugin formats. ...
Doctor Mix AI Synth v1.2.1 WiN MAC 10 MB World’s first AI-coded musical instrument with ChatGPT-generated DSP code You’ll get the answer to Doctor Mix’s question, “Can ChatGPT build a synthesizer?” in the form of a functioning, simple AAX/AU/CLAP/VST synthesizer. ...
Regency v1.1.0 21 MB Regency: multi-tiered phase distorting synthesizer Regency offers a novel method of synthesis, based off traditional phase distortion synthesizers. Each of the two generator layers has three editable multi-segment curves. These curves are applied to distort the ...
Six-Traq v1.0.0 WiN macOS FREE | 48 MB Six-Traq is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX) simulating the classic Sequential Circuits Six-Trak synthesizer from 1984. It is written in native C++ code for high performance ...
BL303 Legendary TB-303 Synth size 23 MB Contribution Synth With Big Love To The Legendary TB-303 Version 3.0 includes improved and resizable user interface, the filter was fine-tuned to sound and behave even closer to the original TB-303, a few ...
MOLOSS size 11 MB MOLOSS is a multi oscillator iinear synthesizer designed to build analog vintage sounds by combining several techniques used in the 80’s. Its 4 voices mix Subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, frequency (or actually phase) modulation, cross modulation, to allow ...
JS80P size 3 MB JS80P is a performance oriented and versatile analog synthesizer. 16 notes polyphony. 2 oscillators with 10 waveforms. 2 filters for each oscillator with 7 filter types. Portamento. Wave folder. Split keyboard. Amplitude modulation. Frequency modulation. Phase modulation. ...
Substitute size 19 MB Substitute is a dual oscillator analog synthesizer. Covering all the classical features of a subtractive synthesizer such as oscillators, filters, effects, extensive modulation options and arp/chord generator, you have what you need to make your sound. In ...
Essence Plus size 16 MB Essence Plus is a subtractive polyphonic synthesizer. 3 Multi-Voice Oscillators (8 voices with Detune & Stereo). 1 Noise Oscillator with stereo control. 1 Sub Oscillator. Filter (LowPass, BandPass and Highpass modes). Filter Envelope with curve controls. ...
Red Devil Poly 2 size 1.8 MB Red Devil Poly 2 is inspired by the classic sound of vintage polysynth type. VST3 http://damyfx.altervista.org/ Red-Devil-Poly-2 ( 1.8 MB ) ...