vstPlayer size 0.88 MB A handy VST plugin that is able to play a variety of audio formats. I use it every day with Bidule. Supports multiple audio formats Full featured playlist Play/pause vstplayer-v1.0.1 ( 0.88 MB ) ...
ReicherWhite size 0.67 MB ReicherWhite plays 4 instances of the same sample with different start / finish time and phase. It creates effects where the samples go in and out of sync with each other. It only loads in simple ...
Position size 0.81 MB Position is a sample player where you can alter the play position over time using an envelope/LFO. Simplest way of using it is to load a sample, select the required tempo and length, and then press ...
Qirex Player size 3.66 MB Qirex Player is a SFZ soundbanks player. SFZ Player ADSR Filter Classic Reverb Low CPU Usage Instant Loading Home Qirex_Player ( 3.66 MB ) ...
Memory size 0.49 MB Memory is an effect which allows you to sample and remix your beats or other material on the fly. It works by allowing you to loop the input it recieves and also change the length of ...
DrBeat size 0.82 MB DrBeat is a drum sampler. 8 sample slots, each with its own filter/pan/vol/tune/direction and also, you kan set what keys you want each sample to play on by using the hi/lo arrows. and also sample satrt point, ...
FreeDice size 0.31 MB FreeDice allows you to create regions within a sample which are triggered when you press a key. Only work with 16 bit, mono, 44.1Khz samples. Load Sample – loads sample. Sample Screen – click on the ...
Bassje size 1.42 MB Bassje is a very big sample sequencer. With 3 toms already installed, it`s very nice to make your drums a bit alive. https://theodosynthsarchive.wordpress.com/ basje ( 1.42 MB ) ...