H4xx0r size 1.18 MB H4xx0r is a twelve-part beatslicer mapped to each note of one midi octave. Features stretching of sample to fit host tempo, and independent, realtime control over slice points Looping Amp envelope Pitch Output bus http://www.device.arcanedevice.com/   ...

 ClickCuts size 3.71 MB ClickCuts enables sample-accurate loop integration. Although being an FX, ClickCuts produces sound output on it’s own. Just load a WAV file or record any audio from an input source. The current loop section can be exported ...

 xTal size 0.27 MB xTal loads WAV or MP3 and do Automatic beat matching (with variable sensitivity). Sync to host Loop control Tempo, Pitch, Rate and Loop Size controls Automatic cross-fading xtal009 ( 0.27 MB ) ...

 TurntablistPro size 0.39 MB  /  0.80 MB TTP is can load a sample and perform turntable style effects on it. You can scratch, change pitch, and even spin the audio up and down just like on a real turntable. Mono-timbral / ...

 Backman size 1.01 MB BackMan reverses incoming audio signal in sync (it will follow host BPM).  This plugin is specially useful on live gigs to make that spinback effect DJs do. https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/klanglabs backman  ( 1.01 MB ) ...

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