dropout size 2.05 MB dropout is a sample player that utilizes granular pitch shifting and sample slicing to play back a sample in new and unusual ways. The first row of sliders controls the actual playhead position in the sample ...

 manic size 18.8 MB manic is an 8-slot random sample player. Samples are triggered according to their probability, on a tempo sync pattern. Also allows for randomizing of volume, pitch, pan, delay, reverse and swing. You decide how much, but ...

 Booty size 0.30 MB Booty is a real-time beat slicer. Home   GTBooty034b6  ( 0.30 MB ) ...

 BitMeex size 67.4 MB BitMeex simulates 2 decks with basic features enough to mix your songs. This software only runs .wav and .aif files. The MIDI can be mapped by right-clicking a control of BitMeex and turn the MIDI control ...

 Stutterer size 0.50 MB Stutterer is a sample slicer / chopper / rearranger. It loads WAV files and uses ANY MIDI note to trigger the audio playback (playback continues as long as the note is held). It includes Chunk and ...

 Instalooper size 5 MB  /  5.46 MB  /  3.50 MB Instalooper is a live looper. It is loops the incoming audio on the fly : with trigger buttons to loop the audio, and knobs to change the loop duration. It is synced ...

 VoCoGaTe Free size 1.57 MB VoCoGaTe was originally made to process vocal samples in a pitch shifter and a gater. VoCoGaTe can make infinite percussion variations. Many random options help to create patches. It is not an easy instrument to ...

 SpDp size 2.01 MB SpDp is a Small Pattern Dual Player with random sample load and 8 Lock n recall pattern memory slots, plus a boost/stereo widener effect. http://tektoog.zapto.org/   SPDP ( 2.01 MB ) ...

 Slitch size 1 MB Slitch is a tool for manipulation of the audio files. Any recording it can turn into a set of percussions, glitches, or even scratches. Plugin based on the principle of separation of the audio file into ...

 CrAZyX size 7.74 MB CrAzYx is a loop slicer and is made to help you make your sounds go CrAzYx. 1x sample player with browsing options. 1x master gain. 1x tempo/length recognition. 1x preset manager. 4x CrAzYx FX. 3x Random ...

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