miniOPT 43 MB MiniOPT is the little brother to the + version. But it still has plenty to offer: The same 3 action modes, harmonics multipliers and saturation system, oversampling, a switchable transformer output stage. But it only has 1 ...

 YS Dynamics v1.01 29 MB YS – Dynamics_ Audio plugin for parallel compression. High and low frequency cutoff filters allow you to select the desired range for adding a compression effect. The volume module for controlling dynamics has four different ...

 Free Release ( master bus sweetener ) 35 MB It’s a single-knob master bus sweetener effect that uses dynamics, waveshaping and early reflections to make your music sound clearer and more up-front. Turn up your listening volume to hear this subtle ...

 Wave Breaker v1.0.1 WiN macOS 8.12 MB The ultimate true-peak stereo limiter Wave Breaker is a true-peak stereo limiter designed to provide high levels of transparency and instant visual feedback for a seamless workflow. It uses the design concepts and ...

 Grater Light v1.3.2 Win Mac 37/101 MB Based on its big brother The Grater, this is a specialized audio plugin that offers unparalleled compression and shaping capabilities. With its Grater Control lever, it adds extreme compression, punch, and distortion to ...

 Reflex Dynamic Range Meter v1.0.1 MAC  17 MB Monitor your dynamic range across the frequency spectrum. The Reflex Dynamic Range Meter helps you visualize the dynamics in your signal, by showing the real-time loudness distribution of 5-millisecond grains of sound. ...

 Gate1 v1.0.2 WiN 2 MB GATE1 is an open source envelope generator for gate/volume control. Features: Multi-segment editor. 12 patterns triggered by MIDI notes. Paint mode – erase, line, saw up, saw down .. Point type – hold, curve, s-curve, ...

 MakeItLoud v1.0 WiN MAC 72 MB Welcome to MakeItLoud, the innovative new plugin from DirektDSP designed specifically for sound designers and mixing engineers in search of an effortless workflow. Seamlessly integrating compression and distortion into one intuitive plugin, MakeItLoud empowers ...

 Automatic Lite v1.0.1 Win Mac 23 MB AutomaticLite is a simplified, free version of our AutomaticDynamic plugin. It’s an automatic compressor that’s effortless to calibrate to your material. There are no dials for threshold or make-up gain—because these are automatic. ...

 Spectrum Analyzer v1.0.159 Win Mac 25/19 MB Spectrum Analyzer is a state-of-the-art spectrum analyzer plugin, which offers a lot of opportunities to display the spectral content of your audio material and helps you create a better mix this way. SpectrumAnalyzer ...