M-900 size 2.27 MB M-900 is a guitar preamp. Produces from Pop to Rock tones. It contains Pre-EQ to compensate guitar pick up lacking and character. It has LO CUT, MIDDLE boosting and MID FREQ. DRIVE range: 0 to 10 ...
AradazAmp Crunch size 0.44 MB AradazAmp Crunch is a guitar amp simulator. http://aradaz.blogspot.com/ AradazAmp_Crunch_v1.4 ( 0.44 MB ) ...
Extremist size 0.19 MB Extremist is a VST multi-effect plugin for guitars. It’s main purpose is distorting guitar signal to receive ‘extremely heavy sound’ The effect works in stereo mode, without any latency. It uses 15-band stereo equalizer. Drive, Dry, ...
Amplistortion size 2.06 MB / 2.09 MB Amplistortion is a real time guitar multi-effects. You can use it for playing live music, the digital signal processing has an ultra low latency. You can use it in studio for composing or at ...
ATKBassPreamp size 2.15 MB / 2.62 MB / 1.95 MB / 3.85 MB ATKBassPreamp is a Fender Bassman preamplifier stage emulation. It is modeling the inverter input stage of a Fender Bassman followed by its tone stack. https://github.com/AudioTK ATKBassPreamp ( ...
DIG size 1.88 MB DIG, short for Dual Integrated Gain, is a highly tweakable tube guitar amp and effects suite. Based on of a pair of high gain 12AX7 tubes, DIG is capable of everything from shimmering cleans to the ...
Brackenbury Tube Amplifier size 1.48 MB Brackenbury Amplifier is based on The Brackenbury-1 Tube Amplifier designed in the early 90’s. Featuring most controls found on regular amplifiers, the Brackenbury Amp also features a unique sweepable EQ system, to create interesting ...
Ace size 1.46 MB / 1.63 MB / 5.40 MB Ace is a faithful digital emulation of a legendary 1950s, American, all tube, tweed, 5W amp. We have added to the model two of the most common amplifier mods: adjustment ...
Knuckle Head size 2.16 MB Knuckle Head is a guitar amp head capable of tones that range from sweet, glistening cleans to SRV and Yardbirds style smokin’ hot crunch right through to punishing high gain destruction. Knuckle head is the ...
Redshift size 1.38 MB RedShift allows you to replace the tone of your guitar’s pickup with a huge list of alternatives and provides you the versatility you need without having to spend money on several guitars. From active rail pickups ...