Hula size 0.99 MB Hula is a dual phaser that can produce very interesting stereo-effects. Unlike most stereo-phasers it doesn’t pan back & forth, but each channel has it’s own phaser. There’s also an optional lowpass-filter at the end, to ...

 GChorus size 0.15 MB  / 0.18 MB GChorus is a traditional chorus effect. It takes an incoming audio stream, splits it in two, detunes one stream by a user-defined amount, which also oscillates between being in and out of tune, ...

 Phase 90 size 4.59 MB Phase 90 is a vintage phaser emulation. This emulation is based on the famous MXR Phase 90 stomp phaser.   Phase90  ( 4.59 MB ) ...

 Channelswap size 0.94 MB Channelswap is a host-synced algorithmic patterning engine to switch left and right channels.   channelswap  ( 0.94 MB ) ...

 OSL Chorus size 1.44 MB  / 1.71 MB  / 1.54 MB  / 1.45 MB OSL Chorus is modelled after the Juno 60’s onboard chorus. It produces rich, wide choruses that are perfect for bringing dry synthesizers to life, but it sounds ...

 DD AutoPan size 0.40 MB  /  0.40 MB DD AutoPan is an auto-panner effect.    DD-AutoPan  ( 0.40 MB ) DD-AutoPan_x64  ( 0.40 MB ) ...

 OverChorus size 0.25 MB OverChorus is a over-sampled chorus/flanger. Low cut – pre chorus low cut  filter. Len – length of chorus delay. Width / Speed 1 – width and speed of first chorus modulation. Width / Speed 1 – ...

 Flaser size 0.29 MB Flaser is a sort of flanger / chorus / phaser / delay type thing. It uses several allpass delays in series, you set the intial and final parameters of these and the inbetween ones are generated ...

 Hexaline size 0.23 MB This plugin can immediatly add warmth and complexity to the simplest sounds. With extreme settings, this effect can also generate special ambiences and bizarre sounds. 3 stereo delays with cross-feedback Parallel or serial modes Up to ...

 Omission size 2.47 MB Omission is a step-sequenced volume reducer/muter. Create an arrangement of 16 steps of silence or sound, adjust the relative volume, and multiply the speed of each pattern. Tempo-synced.   Omission  ( 2.47 MB ) ...