BL303 Legendary TB-303 Synth size 23 MB Contribution Synth With Big Love To The Legendary TB-303 Version 3.0 includes improved and resizable user interface, the filter was fine-tuned to sound and behave even closer to the original TB-303, a few ...
BassMatrix size 4 MB BassMatrix is a Roland TB-303 bassline emulation. This is a synth that trying to sound like the classic TB-303 bassline synth and provide a simple interface to program the patterns. You can use MIDI PLAY to play ...
Screamer size 0.56 MB Screamer is a little synthesizer that resembles a legendary TB-303 in sound and features. A rather simple sound generation (VCO), a lowpass filter (VCF) and envelope decay control (VCA), together with a 16-step sequencer are the ...