Razorgate (Dynamics Processor) WiN MAC size 46 MB Razorgate  is a Dynamics processor to slice away unwanted audio. Slew Rate Limiter gain control design with variable timings, threshold, hold, hysteresis. Character control gives you control to change the envelope shape. ...

 Omnisone size 0.4 MB  / 0.5 MB  / 0.8 MB  / 0.8 MB Omnisone is a spatial image processor, with control of the side signal level. It can enhance the ambiance, and to re-pan both input signals individually, even outside ...

 HPL2 Processor size 6.57 MB  / 7.79 MB  / 6.62 MB  / 13.1 MB HPL2 is a professional binaural conversion technology HPL used by some Japanese label that produces high-quality high-resolution music when producing a sound source version for headphones. ...

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