Cab Lab 4 v1.00 STANDALONE WiN MAC 198 MB Powerful IR Mixer and Tools Cab Lab 4 with DynaCab™ makes it quicker, easier, more intuitive, and more fun to achieve great tone, allowing you to customize and mix cabs, mics, ...

 Impulses size 34 MB  / 30 MB Impulses is an IR processor that can capture the acoustic characteristics of a place then applies them to any sound, by using impulse responses (IRs). For example the reverberation of a room can be captured, ...

 Easy Convolver size 9 MB  / 12 MB Easy Convolver is a convolution engine. It can perform convolution of any WAV file, typically Impulse Responses of reverbs, amplifiers, filters or other audio gear. Impulse files: the zip file contains a folder ...

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