RDistortion size 0.6 MB  / 0.7 MB RDistortion is a multimode distortion. 5 types of distortion with filters (high pass and low pass filters). sites.google.com/view/remsvst/   RDistortion_32  ( 0.6 MB ) RDistortion_64  ( 0.7 MB ) ...

 Sahara size 14 MB Sahara is a simple to use but versatile distortion / saturation plugin. Offering 4 different distortion algorithms, as well as controls for voltage bias, variable shape, and pre-processing EQ to quickly craft the exact distortion tone you need, ...

 Unifilter size 4 MB Unifilter is a filter / distortion with 8 different filters to choose from. Unifilter creates upward harmonics and saturates. It features an intuitive UI and is extremely lightweight on CPU. www.snfkmusic.com/   Unifilter  ( 4.4 MB ) ...

 Temper size 3 MB  / 9 MB Temper is a modern digital distortion plugin featuring a rich saturation stage and a unique phase distortion. Use the variable saturation curve to add warmth and edge to your sound, and let the ...

 Aprocrita size 10 MB  / 10 MB Aprocrita is a distortion and fuzz pedal emulator with one stage of amplification/clipping with feedback and an optional second peak filter. www.execonsultingtx.com   Apocrita_VST2_VST3_Win32  ( 10 MB ) Apocrita_VST2_VST3_x64  ( 10 MB ) ...

 Phadex size 16 MB  / 17 MB Phadex is a phase distortion explorer synth. You can experiment with Casio’s technique with an enhanced take on the principle. flowstoners.com/quilcom   Quilcom-Phadex2_Win32  ( 16 MB ) Quilcom-Phadex2_Win64  ( 17 MB ) ...

 Fazu size 2 MB  / 2.7 MB Fazu is a distortion made for crushing basslines into a thick, filtered sludge. Featuring tonal and bias options that can open up into the roar of a lion or close off into the squeak of ...

 Wave Destroyer size 3 MB  / 2 MB  / 2 MB Wave Destroyer is an audio distortion plugin capable of a massive range of tones. The distortion character is endlessly tweak-able thanks to a unique compliment of controls as well ...

 Metal Area MT-A size 4 MB  / 4 MB  Metal Area MT-A models the iconic Boss MT-2 distortion pedal. Our latest technology Neural Hybrid Engine was used to model this device with absolute perfection.   Stereo mode: Activates separate processing of each channel. ...

 Modulation Studio size 38 MB  / 19 MB The Modulation Studio provides 5 effects to modulate your sounds. Chorius (chorus effect with LFO) . Flange (basic flanger). Phasus (phaser effect with LFO). Leeverb (reverb by Lee Louque). Torso (distortion tool). ...