midiPBCurve size 0.42 MB midiPBCurve maps Pitch Bend according to a curve. You can set the upward and downward sides to different ranges. Instructions are in the plugin (Help).   midiPBCurve  ( 0.42 MB ) ...

 Freedound bundle v.6.0.2 size 8.04 MB The freesound bundle is a collection of vst/rtas/au, mac/windows plugins that i have developed while teaching at UCSD and CalArts. +chebyshev a distortion unit which uses various low-order chebyshev polynomials to add even or ...

 Erectifier size 787 KB Doubler/phaser effect plug-in for Windows. Erectifier features – Doubler/phaser effect designed to widen and phatten – LFO controls echo (length and speed controls) – Filter: LowPass, HighPass or Allpass + cut Hz – Distortion effect – ...

 4ormulator Vocoder size 114 KB 4ormulator Vocoder: Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, re-synthesis, formant effects, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking instruments, sub-harmonic bass generation, sci-fi effects, and many more that defy description! THE EFFECTSYou may recognize some ...

 Audacity 2.1.2 size 13.2 MB / 10.4 MB Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or ...

 MidiF size 0.22 MB MidiF is a very basic midi follower that record and export MIDI data. Controls  – click on start to start midi recording, click again saves it to disk as a midifile. Midif  ( 0.22 MB ) ...

 Middi Morphy size 0.46 MB Middi Morphy is a midi preset morpher. This is a little vst tool to interpolate between different midi parameter settings. you can set up secnes of paramter setting, each may represet presets of your synth or ...

 Koch size 4.58 MB GFM Koch is a physical synthesizer able to generate the punchiest percussive notes, by construction. Thanks to the purity of its integration, its sound is especially crystalline from the lowest to the highest frequencies. Thus it ...

 DGenR8 size 0.34 MB D GenR8 is a virtual analog drum synthesizer in the style of Roland’s TR Series, with 11 voices and controls that mimic the 909. All voices are completely synthesized using digital algorithms that model the operation of ...

 Estradion size 1.21 MB Estradion – 230 is created on base of the classical soviet synthesizer. A monophonic synthesizer Estradin – 230 contains 4 main sources of sound – 3 tone generators and the source of noise. Such external sources ...