Transition size 16.9 MB / 17.3 MB Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer. The basic idea is that bots move through a matrix of cells until they encounter a wall, another bot, or an obstacle. When a bot hits a wall ...
Transilient size 1.14 MB Transilient is a versatile FSU / Glitch type multi-effect unit designed to make strange and unusual new sounds. The 5 different effects can be modulated by one of two 16-step sequencers, a LFO, any WAV file, and/or manually ...
EZ-poly size 1.24 MB EZ-poly is blessed with an 8 step analog sequencer which syncs to your hosts tempo, or can be stepped with each new note, creating some fantastic tones and note-runs.. EZ poly comes equipped with 30 presets ...
Unify size 2.11 MB The Unify VST plugin was developed to be a hardknee compressor made with Synthedit. Unify includes a 6 bands post-compression coloration tool which acts like an EQ but on fixed frequencies with limited gain range. The Vu-meter ...
DmiFlute size 0.17 MB / 0.29 MB DmiFlute is a physical modelled flute synthesizer. It features a vibrato LFO and a multimode resonant filter. It’s not particularily flutey but makes some pretty strange and interesting sounds anyway. dmiflute1 ( 0.17 ...
SD 2100 size 2.40 MB SD 2100 is an emulation of the famous Emu SP 1200 Beat box. SD2100 ( 2.40 MB ) ...
TDAe EQ2004P 4-Band Parametric Equalizer size 911 KB Specifications: – 4-Band Parametric Equalizer – 4x Frequency Control – 4x Q Control – 4x Gain Control – Output amplifier TDAe-EQ2004P ( 911 KB ) ...
KeroVee v.1.26 size 604 kB KeroVee is a Pitch-Correction plug-in that works as a VST effect. It can pitch-detect and retune to specified scales or MIDI notes. ‘Bypass’ and ‘SubTone’ mix are also available. KeroVee features: – Scale Buttons ‘C’ ...
Anawave size 1.29 MB Anawave is a hybrid analog/wavetable synth. The waveform oscillators allow you to draw, import, and export waveforms. I have included a set of 50 waveforms I made for this project. Simply use the load and save buttons ...
Luna free v.0.4 size 1.42 MB LUNA is a light-weight and easy to use professional grade sequencer offering VST instruments and effects support and a 32-bit float audio engine so can handle almost all sample rates. The basic features of ...