Organaut size 0.98 MB Classical tonewheel organ emulator. Can produce «analog» and «digital» sound. 9 drawbars. Rotary cabinet emulation. Keyboard «click» emulation. Internal reverb. Octave shift. Digital/analog modes.   Organaut ( 0.98 MB ) ...

 4 Band Shifter size 0.81 MB 4 Band Shifter is a VST Plugin that is able to scale (shift) independently the pitch of 4 adjacent, user-definable frequency bands. Pitch knobs Each one of the pitch knobs controls the amount of ...

 Arpimedes size 0.57 MB Arpimedes is a funky little arpeggiator plugin with adjustable pattern rhythm and speed. You can define the number of octaves it should use and the step length of the current pattern. Of course several different arp ...

 K700 size 1.76 MB K700 is a dual synth designed to create rich texture sounds. K700 has 2 totally independent lines which can be opertated multi-timbrally, to generate a really complex sound..  Equally capable of rasping leads, lush pads or ...

 truc size 2.12 MB truc use 2 xy pads to control 4 banks of effects. Any 4 parameters. runs in manual or auto, random or LFO, all fully tempo-sync’d to your host . 4 effect banks      dirtifier – overdrive, ...

 Tube Amp size 5.26 MB  /  9.81 MB  /  18.5 MB  Tube Amp applies asymmetric tube triode overdrive usually found in single-tube microphone pre-amp boxes. The sound this plug-in produces varies from a mild warm overdrive to a fuzzy distortion. Tube Amp ...

 Divine Kit size 3.31 MB  /  3.46 MB  /  6.46 MB  Divine Kit is an acoustic drum kit made from samples recorded by producer John Haddad. This plugin uses multiple outputs, you may have to setup your DAW correctly in order to ...

 AV Audio Editor v1.0.2 size 17.5 MB AV Audio Editor is a simple but powerful & FREE audio editor that will suit both beginners and professionals for editing and morphing audio. It can import recordings from AV Audio & Sound ...

 X-ISM Analyser Monitor size 3.87 MB X-ISM can interpret inter-sample peaks, allowing engineers to make informed judgments about the resultant sound quality of the mix. There is currently a trend in the in the audio industry known euphemistically as ‘The ...

 PeakFreak size 0.49 MB PeakFreak is a plugin that converts audio input that falls into a certain frequency and amplitude range into midi notes of a certain length. This can for example be useful if you want to trigger the bass drum ...

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