N2CC size 0.45 MB N2CC converts the velocity or pitch of MIDI notes  to MIDI CC controller values within a pre-defined range. This allows you to create some unconventional MIDI effects very easily.   N2CC  ( 0.45 MB ) ...

 dmiHammer size 0.23 MB  /  0.47 MB dmiHammer is a VSTi for creating hammered chromatic percussion sounds. It’s capable of reproducing the sounds of xylophones, mbira and chimes as well as a swag of strange new sounds. 16 polyphonic hammered percussion ...

 ATKCompressor size 0.60 MB  / 0.64 MB  / 0.64  MB  / 1.50  MB ATKCompressor is a compressor based on the Audio Toolkit.     ATKCompressor  ( 0.60 MB ) ATKCompressor_x64 ( 0.64 MB ) ATKCompressor.component ( 0.64 MB ) ATKCompressor_MacVST ( 1.50 MB ) ...

 Aegis size 2.52 MB Aegis VST is inspired by the old Amiga Sonix synth. Main features are the Drawable Oscillator and LFO waveforms, and a special type of Phase Distortion. 1 Drawable Oscillator. (128 samples). 1 Drawable LFO, that can be ...

 Xs-MoDelay v.0.8 size 712 KB Stereo delay with filter and distortion, controllable by LFO. So the delay as the LFO can be automatically synced to the host tempo.    xs-modelay08   ( 712 KB ) ...

 Amoeba size 0.26 MB Amoeba is a 8 bar organ. The left side is additive synth part, here you can create the basic sound using the 8 controls which represent the first to eighth fundamentals. The first four are the ...

 adsrFilter size 0.23 MB  /  0.23 MB adsrFilter is an envelope filter which can modulate filter frequency, bandwidth and filter mix. One filter with lowpass, highpass and bandpass. Bandwidth and filter mix. ADSR envelope with unique up/down mode. Volume compensation for ...

 A-Key size 0.52 MB A-Key is a 2 oscillators distortion synth. https://theodosynthsarchive.wordpress.com/   A-Key  ( 0.52 MB ) ...

 Glass Armanica size 11.4 MB Here is my initial version of the Glass Armanica VSTi. It is a sample based recreation of Benjamin Franklin’s rubbed glass instrument known as the Glass Harmonica, Armonium, Hydrocrystalophone, or Armonica (whew!). I ended up changing ...

 Detuna size 0.86 MB Detuna is a simple detuner. Detune Dry / wet   Killapluggies_Detuna  ( 0.86 MB ) ...

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