Angel Synth size 0.84 MB Angel Synth uses a really original method of generating sound, which is based on the dynamic oscillators.   AngelSynth ( 0.84 MB ) ...

 Super Spook Keys size 1.41 MB Designed to re-create the sound of a Theramin. Offering control either using a MIDI keyboard or using the mouse to drag the glowing spot across the ‘chart’ for more authentic ‘Theramin’ style play. sine, ...

 Classic Master Limiter v.1.06 size 356 KB The Classic Master Limiter VST plugin is specially designed to boost the overall level of your final mixes, but is also highly useable on very dynamic instruments. With just one control on the ...

 Syncoder size 2.01 MB Syncoder 32 is a 32-Band Frequency Synthesizer and Vocoder VSTi. Multi-Band Frequency Synthesizer and Vocoder Engine. 32 Frequency rich carrier waveforms. 32 Filter program settings. 32 Band Maximum Vocoder Engine. 32 Band Compressors with frequency tracking. 32 ...

 Duet size 0.80 MB Duet is a double-tracking/harmonizer effect developed to enhance vocals or instruments, such as guitars, by thickening the sound and adding a rich glossy sheen to your audio material. Duet works by independently pitch-shifting the left and right ...

 Groth size 0.86 MB Groth, Matrix synth. Designed to create different timbres with Xfade oscillators, uses a MVM simplified engine.   MVX-mvg ( 0.86 MB ) ...

 AutoSwell Light size 1.20 MB  / 1.22  MB  / 3.45  MB  /  3.44 MB AutoSwell Light is an automatic volume swell effect triggered by the input signal. Time: sets the constant time of swell attack. Sensitivity: defines the response to ...

 Harmonic Explorer size 2.35 MB The Harmonic Explorer is a tool that enables the user to explore how sound can be constructed by adding over-tones and demonstrate the fundamentals of Additive synthesis.   HarmonicExplorer  ( 2.35 MB ) ...

 Rhythmic Metalisation Delay v.1.01 size 472 KB A fairly simple delay plugin which also has a ‘Rhythmic Mode’. Basically this alters the delay time in a sequence using very short delay times, which gives a characteristic ‘metallic’ sound, and effectively ...

 ClubVoltage size  MB ClubVoltage is a modern control-voltage 32 step sequencer synth, based on subtractive synthesis. ClubVoltage is split up in to various sections on 2 different pages. 3 equal Oscillators with 64 waveforms each and pulsewidth. 2 Multimode-Filter. 1 ...

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