Midway v1.0



size 19.9 MB  / 20 MB  / 10.9 MB  / 21.6 MB

Midway implements a novel filter type called a median filter, as described in Will Pirkle’s Designing Audio Effect Plug-Ins in C++.

The essence of the filter is that it buffers an arbitrary number of input samples and selects the median value. This produces a resonant bit-crusher sound, which is rather unique. To make the filter more useful, Midway implements routable modulation in both the filter and the output.

download win 32 download win 64 download audio unit download free vst

midway_x86  ( 19.9 MB )

midway_x64  ( 20 MB )

midway_MacAU  ( 10.9 MB )

midway_MacVST  ( 21.6 MB )

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