size 11.2 MB  /  11.3 MB  /  5.72 MB  /  11.4 MB

ATK SD1 is an emulation of the famous Boss SD1 overdrive.
It is built on top of the Audio ToolKit library, and implements the overdrive (oversampling x8) and the tone sections of the original pedal. Contrary to usual distortions, the SD1 features an asymmetric overdrive section that adds even harmonics to the sound.
Comes in VST and VST3.

YouTube video

download win 32 download win 64  download free vst

ATKSD1  ( 11.2 MB )

ATKSD1x64 ( 11.3 MB )

ATKSD1_MacAU  ( 5.72 MB )

ATKSD1_MacVST  ( 11.4 MB )

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