The deputy Mark II size 1.38 MB  / 1.42 MB  /  1.49 MB  /  1.47 MB The deputy Mark II is a plug-in in the tradition of classic string machines and early polyphonic synthesizers, written in native C++ code for high performance. ...

 Voc-Two size 0.96 MB Voc-Two allows you to create realisitc string ensemble and choir sounds without the use of samples. It includes a wide range of controls over the source sound generation and the morphable formant filter making it a ...

 Tapeotronic size 8.25 MB Tapeotronic is a mellotron tape keyboard emulation. Flute, string and choirs sounds. 16 patches. Knob  for  bias tape sfx. MIDI learn  / automation.   Elektrostudio_TapeotronicVSTI_v2.54b  ( 8.25 MB ) ...

 Redtron SE size 149 MB Redtron SE uses samples recorded from a 1973 Mellotron M400S. The samples have been cleaned (not too much) by removing an annoying 60Hz hum and some unwanted “clicks” and “pops” here and there. Nine sound ...

 Selena size 1.79 MB Selena is a downsized version Horus, focused on the string machine aspect. 32 voices polyphonic. 2 oscillators: 8′ and 4′. Phaser. Delay. Chorus. Notes are placed in the stereo field according the keyboard tracking.   Selena  ...

 Cheeze Machine 2 size 13.4 MB  /  15.2 MB  /  15.2 MB  Cheeze Machine 2 is a vintage string machine. Back by popular demand comes a remastered version of the extremely popular Cheeze Machine virtual instrument byBig Tick Audio. Cheeze Machine ...

 StringSynth size 0.82 MB Emulation of those string synthesizers of the late 70’s made famous by ARP and Solina. The characteristic sound of those machines was not realised by adding expensive oscillators, but by using a (at the time) brand ...

 String Sculptor size 4.03 MB A Texture synth with the capability to create anything from a smooth mono pad to leads and host synced dance rhythms. Three VA style oscillators, each with an independant waveshaper, tuning and filter routing. Noise ...

 Stringer size 34.9 MB Stringer is an emulation of classic string synths: Eminent 310.Mellotron. Arp string ensemble. Crumar Performer. Korg Trident. Low CPU demands. Filter. MIDI automation. 20 presets.   STRINGER-1.2  ( 34.9 MB ) ...

 Serenity size 34.2 MB Serenity is a synthesizer aimed at creating various choir and string pad sounds. It is not meant to emulate a specific vintage string or choir machine, although you might find sounds resembling the flavours of the ...

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