Alpha size 0.89 MB Alpha is a Roland Alpha Juno 1 emulation. DCO / VCA / VCF / LFO. Envelope generator. Low pass filter. High pass filter. Chorus. Poly / mono. Unison / glide.   EFM-alpha ( 0.89 MB ) ...

 Organaut size 0.98 MB Classical tonewheel organ emulator. Can produce «analog» and «digital» sound. 9 drawbars. Rotary cabinet emulation. Keyboard «click» emulation. Internal reverb. Octave shift. Digital/analog modes.   Organaut ( 0.98 MB ) ...

 Crazy Diamonds size 0.26 MB Crazy Diamonds emulates vintage string ensemble devices. Remember that gorgeous G minor chord just at the beginning of that famous song with a very similar name? You never found a plugin capable of producing such a ...

 tapeworm size 14.2 MB tapeworm is a mellotron-like synthesizer based on remastered versions of j.p. hovercraft’s original mellotron multisamples. tapeworm includes five voice types, tuning, attack, release, and midi automation.   tb_tapeworm_2_1  ( 14.2 MB ) ...

 Soft Glow Organ size 33.1 MB Soft Glow Organ is a rompler that uses samples from a 1960s electric organ and synthesizer-style controls to produce warm sounds with modern effects. Sample plays on note hit (sample will play for over ...

 Clavdium size 0.89 MB Initially designed to produce harpsi/clav sounds, turned out to be rather universal: from weird winds to percussive organs via ringing pads. Low CPU consumption for the great sound. State-of-the-art distortion. Rotor, rocking-freq mods and more…   ...

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