ttm008 size 0.1 MB ttm008 is a guitar sound generator with a unique waveform synthesis engine and modulation mechanism. ttm008 is based on the synthesis engine of ttm002 and optimized for guitar. By adjusting three carefully selected parameters, any desired tone can ...
RF-SoundFont size 10 MB RF-SoundFont is a SoundFont player (SF2). Amplitude ADSR Envelope. Filter (Low Pass with Cutoff and Resonance). Reverb. Delay. Chorus. Glide (Portamento). Vibrato. Stereo Separation. Main Panning and Volume. Mono Mode and Mono Retrigger. Octave, Semitone and Pitch Bend ...
SIM-HANDPAN size 34 MB / 28 MB SIM-HANDPAN aims to simulate this modern and remarkable type of instrument, the first one by PANArt being called a Hang. Real well-tuned ones cost over £2000 plus you have to decide in advance what ...
NoisePalette size 8 MB / 11 MB NoisePalette is a versatile noise generator, capable of generating signals with variable power spectra using a high-quality spectral tilt filter. It is customary to assign colours to different noise spectra, such as the “white” ...
SIM-CHAU size 18 MB / 12 MB SIM-CHAU is a Chau gong synthesizer. It is focussed on simulating a Chau gong, otherwise known as a tam-tam, Chinese or symphonic gong. Quilcom-SIM-CHAU_(32) ( 18 MB ) Quilcom-SIM-CHAU_(64) ( 12 MB ) ...
BassMatrix size 4 MB BassMatrix is a Roland TB-303 bassline emulation. This is a synth that trying to sound like the classic TB-303 bassline synth and provide a simple interface to program the patterns. You can use MIDI PLAY to play ...
Coldcutter loop chopper size 0.1 MB Coldcutter is a loop chopper / slicer. It is is designed to chop a loop into a number of slices or cuts and rearranges them randomly in real-time according to a number of parameters. ...
SIM-MIJWIZ size 20 MB / 18 MB SIM-MIJWIZ is a synthesiser designed to simulate this Arabic wind instrument. It can also be used for Arghul and Sipsi simulation. You can create your own scales and there are a wide range of ...
PlastikGuitar size 119 MB / 60 MB PlastikGuitar is a sampled nylon string classical guitar. This is a small guitar instrument is based on samples captured by Quartertone from a Yamaha Eterna classical acoustic guitar. During the recording session, he used ...
Strings One size 703 MB Strings One features solo strings and string ensembles. Recorded by Sound Magic at Platinum Sound in New York City. Powered by the latest Neo Orchestra Engine. Strings One could provides amazing experience for strings instruments. ...