Folk Winds Kontakt [FREE] size 1 GB Four solo folk wind instruments, with various articulations, and organic pad sounds made from ensemble textures and the original source material. Folk Winds consists of four solo folk wind instruments: Recorder, Ocarina, Wooden ...

 AI Bass Mini size 154 MB  / 163 MB AI Bass Mini is an electric bass guitar. The AI Bass Mini and AI Bass Ultimate music plugins offer a unique experience in the utilization of AI-based bass guitar sounds. This technology, a ...

 ttm009 size 0.1 MB ttm009 is a brass synthesizer with a unique waveform synthesis engine and modulation mechanism. By adjusting three carefully selected parameters, any desired tone can be obtained with simple operation. For final tone adjustment, a high-pass filter and low-pass ...

 SIM-THROAT size 221 MB SIM-THROAT is an effect plugin and the idea is you sing into it and use it to simulate throat singing. It’s far from being convincing or authentic but you might have some fun making noises with it! ...

 Free Piano 3 size 116 MB  / 128 MB Free Piano 3 is a piano and strings hybrid plugin. It comes with 3 piano models crafted carefully with studio grade equipment and trained professionals. Not only piano, you can use it as ...

 Micro Piano size 4 MB  / 8 MB Micro Piano isa a classic house piano. Classic piano from the S-series sampler with crunchy attack and sizzling tone – 90s house style. Includes LP filter, vintage reverb and pan mod. Micro-Piano-WIN  ( ...

 Strum size 1.7 MB Strum is Karplus-Strong string synth, written completely in assembly. Two different and independent string generators for more variety of sounds, with own feedback, string length, attack/decay envelope and vibrato settings. First OSC is trying to simulate basic ...

 ttm008 size 0.1 MB ttm008 is a guitar sound generator with a unique waveform synthesis engine and modulation mechanism. ttm008 is based on the synthesis engine of ttm002 and optimized for guitar. By adjusting three carefully selected parameters, any desired tone can ...

 SIM-HANDPAN size 34 MB  / 28 MB SIM-HANDPAN aims to simulate this modern and remarkable type of instrument, the first one by PANArt being called a Hang. Real well-tuned ones cost over £2000 plus you have to decide in advance what ...

 SIM-MIJWIZ size 20 MB  / 18 MB SIM-MIJWIZ is a synthesiser designed to simulate this Arabic wind instrument. It can also be used for Arghul and Sipsi simulation. You can create your own scales and there are a wide range of ...