Floorfish size 0.50 MB Floorfish is a simple expander / gate device. Easy to set up and offers a broad variety of processing, ranging from slight expansion, background noise attenuation to extreme gating effects. What’s different from similar units is ...

 DD Gate size 0.72 MB  /  0.72 MB DD Gate is a noise gate featuring a sidechain control.    DD-Gate( 0.72 MB ) DD-Gate_x64  ( 0.72 MB ) ...

 Lisp size 0.75 MB  /  0.80 MB Lisp is a level-independent sibilance processor. Whether you use a traditional de-esser, sidechained compressor, dynamic EQ, or even edit your tracks manually, cleaning up sibilance problems in your vocals can get pretty tedious. Lisp ...

 Spitfish size 0.49 MB Spitfish is a dead-easy to use de-esser. Aimed mainly at mono or stereo vocal tracks. Just like classic analog de-essers, this unit dynamically filters out harsh, annoying s-like sounds that would otherwise ‘spit’ in your face. http://www.digitalfishphones.com/main.php ...

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