LFO Choppe size 0.80 MB LFO Chopper is an amplitude modulation/tremelo plugin. It has lots of different LFO waveshapes. http://www.olilarkin.co.uk/   lc ( 0.80 MB ) ...

 Bass Phaser size 551 KB It’s just like Bass Chorus, only it’s a phaser. It’s not just for bass – it’s flexible and full-featured. A huge, wide bass sound without sacrificing punch and focus. cloneensemble.com   BassPhaserV10 ( 551 KB ) ...

 easy-fx 03 size 1.31 MB easy-fx 03 is a multi FX modulated by a 16 stepgater. 6 Filterstyles. Bitcrusher. Overdrive. Flanger. 2 delays. 2 pan lfo´s. 16 stepgater. http://www.easytoolz.de/   easyFX03( 1.31 MB ) ...

 Autopan Modulator size 1.35 MB The Autopan Modulator is an effects processor designed to work around the stereo field of any given audio source. It can be programmed to make your tracks bounce from side to side of the audio ...

 Green Wah size 716 KB Little usefull plugin for guitar player. VST plugin Wah Wah effect. The file includes Windows version.   GreenWah  ( 716 KB ) ...

 Airwall size 0.72 MB Airwall is stereo image expand effect. At the newest mixing or mastering, everyone needs stereo imager. Airwall gives special sounds for your music. for mastering or mixing, fat chorus, wall of distortion guitar sound, ambience pads, and ...

 ITDPanner size 1.39 MB  / 1.61 MB ITDPanner is a panner specialized to control the pan of stereo sound source without sound quality degradation.  ITDPanner never mix left channel and right channel, so it has no sound quality degradation caused ...

 BassChorus v.2.2 size 378 KB Have you ever used a stereo chorus on a bass sound and ended up with a muddy bottom end swimming all over the place? Bass Chorus can avoid that problem by separating the bass and ...

 SpatChorus 5 size 1.21 MB Multichannel Chorus : – one input / 5 outputs – can produce chorus / phasing / flange effects – independant 2D modulation for delay times and chorus intensity – two XY modulators, with rate, symetry ...

 Coyote Phase v.1.2 size 264 KB Coyote Phase is a DirectX plugin that implements high-quality “phaser” effects. Advanced audio processing algorithms produce a very clean output, free of artifacts. Sine and triangle-wave low-frequency oscillator (LFO), Selectable number of allpass blocks ...