MM FX 04 VOCODA size 1.2 MB MM FX 04 VOCODA is a vst effect somewhat similar to a vocoder. The input is divided into several bands, analysed and then vocoded. The Filter is controlled by a clockable 4step sequencer which ...

 FBVC size 1.3 MB  / 1.3 MB  / 1.8 MB  / 1.8 MB FBVC simulates the classic KORG VC-10 Vocoder from 1978. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. 20 band full stereo ...

 Gangnam Vocoder size 2.60 MB Gangnam Vocoder is vintage style 10 bands vocoder effect with extended possibilites of modulation. It has 4 types of analog style sounding filters onboard. Its good for creation of synthetic voice. You can create phat ...

 Cannabis Vocoder size 34.8 MB Cannabis vocoder is a funny vocoder which can completely change the sound of your vocal track. The mono version is a VST effect plugin. Using the effect on the vocal track the software automatically tracks ...

 Stempel Spectral Vocoder v.1.0 size 1.07 MB Stempel, spectral vocoder VST effect plug-in for Windows. Contrary to many other vocoder, it’s not processing in the analog way (using band pass filters and signal followers) but in the frequency domain (in ...

 4ormulator Vocoder size 114 KB 4ormulator Vocoder: Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, re-synthesis, formant effects, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking instruments, sub-harmonic bass generation, sci-fi effects, and many more that defy description!   4ormVST  ( 114 KB ...