TugMultiEffect Win Mac 13 MB TugMultiEffect is a versatile audio plugin designed to enhance the sound of audio recordings. it features 11 different effects, which are represented by boxes on the main window of the plugin. These effects include tools ...

 Faradelay v2.0.0 Win Mac Free | Win Mac Linux | 16.4 MB Faradelay is  a Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo all in one! Why have 3 separate modulated delay plug-ins when you can have one plug-in that does it all? The ...

 Vibanez TL-V size 2.8 MB Vibanez TL-V is a sound-a-like to the Ibanez TL-5 Tremolo effect pedal.   This VST3 effect plugin is designed to emulate the original pedal design, staying faithful to the original signal chain and theory of operation. There ...

 Live Pedalboard size 9 MB  / 10 MB  / 6 MB Live Pedalboard is a guitar rig stompbox. Distortions, overdrives, fuzz, delay, compressor, chorus, tremolo, reverb, … Up to 3 simultaneous effects of the same type. 6 slots. 3 user banks ...

 PuppySnuggles size 3 MB  / 10 MB PuppySnuggles is a classic tremolo effect. It comes with a trick up its sleeve: the “Swamp” knob which makes the effect become distorted and rolls off highs as the tremolo drops the volume, mimicking the ...

 AutoTremWahLight size 1 MB  / 3 MB AutoTremWahLight is a tremolo wah that performs modulation of a filter by the low frequency generator taken from the PechenegTremolo. You can choose 3 types of filter, set resonance and cutoffs of the filters. As ...

 FlyingTremolo size 2.9 MB  / 3.5 MB  / 3.8 MB  / 7.4 MB FlyingTremolo is a classic stereo tremolo effect. The Stereo Tremolo, generates aliasing-free and analog feel volume modulation. Stereo widening effect is achieved by panning the Tremolo waveform. ...

 The Great Escape size 7.8 MB  / 6.5 MB  / 3.3 MB The Great Escape (preview version) is a dynamic tremolo plug-in, made in collaboration with Thrilltone and modeling their original hardware all analog pedal. Instead of being just a ...

 Chopa size 8 MB  / 8 MB  / 4 MB  Chopa is a tremolo and chopper effects. Easy to use with easy on eyes GUI design. Simple and effective! Chop your vocal, add tremolo effect to your guitars or add ...

 Adam Monroe Tremolo size 2.54 MB  /  2.55 MB  /  0.71 MB  Adam Monroe’s Tremolo is a tremolo / panner effect. It combines a standard tremolo effect (amplitude modulation) with a stereo panning effect in a simple, intuitive GUI. Amplitude ...

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