LatticeReverb size 0.6 MB  / 0.7 MB  /  0.7 MB  LatticeReverb is a stereo reverb using lattice structure. Equipped with 16 delays per channel. Parameters of internal delays are all exposed for fine grained automation. Requires CPU which supports AVX ...

 L4Reverb size 0.7 MB  / 0.7 MB  / 0.8 MB   L4Reverb is an extended version of LatticeReverb, which is a stereo reverb using lattice structure. This time, lattice structure has 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 = 256 sections ...

 AlgorVerb size 0.42 MB  /  0.47 MB  / 0.47 MB  AlgorVerb is a stereo reverb for windows and mac. Damping Decay PreDelay Dry / wet levels Brightness   AlgorVerb_win  (  0.42 MB ) AlgorVerb_mac_au ( 0.47 MB ) AlgorVerb_mac_vst  ( ...

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