MONSTR (Stereo Width Control) WIN MAC size 11 MB MONSTR provides up to six bands of stereo width control to correct mix issues or use for creative effect. Up to six independant bands Quickly add and remove bands to suit any ...

 Anaglyph size 28 MB  / 56 MB  / 111 MB Anaglyph is a 3D high-definition binaural spatializer. Anaglyph is part of an ongoing research effort into the perceptual and technical capabilities of binaural rendering. The latest incarnation, Anaglyph VST, has been ...

 GDoubler size 5 MB GDoubler is a simple stereo doubling plugin for creating stereo width in a mix. It is extremely lightweight on CPU. Amount Knob: Controls the mix of doubled signal. Feedback: Controls how much of a tail the doubled signal ...

 Stage size 14 MB  / 13 MB Stage is a gain staging and stereo enhancer. It has several modes: Narrow, Mono, Stereo, Normal, Wide, Wider, Super Wide modes. Comes with bunch of Factory Presets and user can save custom presets as ...

 Stereo size 5 MB  / 4 MB  / 2 MB Stereo controls the stereo enhancer for the master channel. It has individual low-cut filter for center and side signals and a shelf equalizer for tuning frequencies below 650Hz for side channels without ...

 MOONI WIDER size 3.2 MB MOONI WIDER is a stereo enhancer / filter. XY Filter Control : LPF/HPF Fiter and Paning with Frequency control and solo LR control, for colour and dimension your track. Wider Control : Make your stereo track ...

 Stereo Enhancer size 4.74 MB Stereo Enhancer is a simple VST effect plug-in for converting mono to stereo signals as well as for stereo widening. This is possible due to the several techniques such as multi-band frequency splitting and panning, ...

 Stereo Enhancer size 0.71 MB Stereo Enhancher can be used for basic mono to stereo conversion. It delays either the left or right channel by up to 50ms. It can also invert the phase of each channel.   se ( ...