SideChainer 2 size 10 MB  / 10 MB  / 10 MB SideChainer 2 is a drawable gater thar allows users to sculpt custom curves and shapes and comes equipped with dozens of presets to achieve desired results quickly. Customizable point+tension curve editor. ...

 Stage size 14 MB  / 13 MB Stage is a gain staging and stereo enhancer. It has several modes: Narrow, Mono, Stereo, Normal, Wide, Wider, Super Wide modes. Comes with bunch of Factory Presets and user can save custom presets as ...

 Free Piano 2 size 458 MB  / 489 MB Free Piano 2 is a sample based hybrid piano / string instrument. It has been sampled from Asian Type D Cottage Piano with 4 mics positions and is velocity sensitive with built in ...

 Vintage Marching Snare Roll size 16 MB  / 16 MB  / 23 MB  / 11 MB Vintage Marching Snare Roll is a marching band drum snare. 15 different Snare pattern loops. Different pattern has different BPM. Looped Marching Snare Sound ...

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