MQ57 size 2.79 MB MQ57 is a parametric equalizer designed for mastering. It is powerful, but quite easy to use after you understand what each knob and button does, so learning curve should be very mild for everyone who grasps ...

 Digital Parametric Equalizer 1.0 size 2.07 MB Digital Parametric Equalizer features Highpass & Lowpass filter + 6 bands (-/+ 24 range for each). 4 settings for the bands: Standard: 100Hz, 360Hz, 720Hz, 1.5KHz, 5KHz, 10KHz. Bass: 60Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, ...

 HUE2 size 899 KB HUE2, a light edition of Back Stage EQ One, allows you to adjust certain characteristics of the sound, making it easy for you to shape it according to taste. It has six individual controls for adjusting ...

 Tilt EQ size 6.88 MB  / 8.34 MB  / 1.79 MB  / 1.71 MB Tilt EQ is a linear tilt EQ with a single knob. This way the spectral balance of audio material can be changed very easily without introducing ...

 Dust Equalizer size 0.67 MB  / 0.69  MB Dust Equalizer is a basic channel equalizer, designed with the concept of less is more. It comes with a pair of filters, pair of shelves and two mid-frequency bell filters. Using a fitting ...

 DQ65 size 3.52 MB DQ65 is a dynamic parametric equalizer. It has two gain controls per filter – one for high levels of input signal, other for low. Input signal can be scaled to utilize it’s range completely. All other ...

 EQ22 v.1.1 size 2.49 MB Rough Draft Audio has released version 1.1 of EQ22, a freeware 5 Band EQ VST plug-in for Windows PC. EQ22 offers the unique Transient Dispersiontechnology for enhancing your sound. This distribution of EQ22 provides the ...

 Aqualizer size 1.44 MB Aqualizer is a 32-bands parametric equalizer with the possibility to turn on or off any amount of bands up to 32. It allows the peaking frequency to be entered at will and the band width can ...

 A0 Parametric Equalizer size 0.28 MB A0 Parametric Equalizer features eight analog-sounding filters. 4 peaking filters – or bell-shaped – with a boost of +/-24 dB 2 shelving filters with slope of 1 or 2 octaves 1 high-pass and 1 low-pass ...

 1208 GEQ size  2.26 MB  /  4.27 MB 1208 GEQ is a classic eleven band graphic equalizer with adjustable Q, individual band bypass, & a light dab of mojo. Home 1208-GEQ_x32  ( 2.26 MB ) 1208-GEQ_x64 ( 4.27 MB ) ...

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