KnobKraft Orm v 2.3.1 110 MB The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place ...
Bella v1.0 70 MB Bella is a bells and mallets-oriented instrument that uses a chord-driven step sequencer to create a vast of instrumental phrases. These phrases can be used in many musical events like songs, EDM, experimental music, ringtones, or ...
TugMidiSeq v2.3.0 Win Mac 7.6 MB 2RuleMidiSeq ( TugMidiSeq ) is a polyphonic arp and seq creator. The notes of the pressed chords are automatically lined up from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch, creating musical polyphonic pattens according to ...
999gen2 size 3 MB / 4 MB 999gen2 is a rhythmic MIDI arpeggiator. 999gen2 creates no sound but triggers other VSTis that opened in the D.A.W. It can generate 999 seeded arpeggios which driven by **chords**. You can set a unique ...
999 size 3 MB / 4 MB 999 is a MIDI VSTi arpeggiator that creates no sound but triggers other VSTis in the DAW. It can generate 999 seeded arpeggios driven by chords. You can set a unique speed, note’s length octave ...
MbiraGen size 0.4 MB MbiraGen is a semi-generative sequencer plugin that produces MIDI notes. It is based on a sequence of up to 12 “melodies”. Each melody can have up to 4 variations which are selected round-robin. A Melody is a 5×4 ...
BabyDrummer size 1.9 MB BabyDrummer is a versatile and easy-to-use VST3 pattern-based drum sequencer. You design your patterns, make some variations and set the play order. You will be surprised how little effort is needed to make a great rhythm. You ...
LibreArp size 1 MB / 6 MB LibreArp is a pattern-based arpeggio generator plugin. It is a MIDI effect (currently supporting any VST3 host on Windows, Mac, and Linux) that takes chords in the form of MIDI input and outputs so-called arpeggios ...
HY-SEQ32 free size 7 MB / 8 MB / 18 MB HY-SEQ32 free is a 32 step sequencer inspired by analog sequencers. 1 Pitch SEQ unit with 2 modulation source units. Drag & drop modulation assignment. Pattern sequencer for chaining unit snapshots. ...
Randomidi Free size 3 MB / 4 MB Randomidi Free is a random multi channel arpeggiator. It can be described as DAW’s internal preset manager. This concept allows live performers to play with up to 16 VST instruments on stage or ...