midi shape shifter

midi shape shifter 3

midi shape shifter

size 1.83 MB  /  1.77 MB

MIDI Shape Shifter is a powerfull MIDI plugin for mapping, generating and transforming MIDI data.
Its simple and flexible interface is capable of satisfying a wide range of MIDI needs. For example, MIDI Shape Shifter could be used to:

  • Apply a velocity curve.
  • Generate an LFO.
  • Create mappings between ranges of MIDI data.
  • Filter out specified MIDI data.
  • Apply midi compression or gate effects.
  • Automatically harmonize notes.
  • Create split/dual keyboard.
  • Transpose.
  • Control multiple parameters with a single knob.
  • etc.

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MSS32-bit ( 1.83 MB )

MSS64-bit  ( 1.77 MB )

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