Flux Interruptor v1.0

Flux Interruptor

Flux Interruptor

size 932 KB

Flux Interruptor is a glitchy modulated delay with a built in LP filter.


– Delay Time: Set the delay time division based on your host’s tempo
– Tweak: Variation of ‘interrupt’ modulation
– Interupt Amount of ‘interrupt’ modulation sent to delay
– Feedback: Amount of delay repeats
– LFO Period: LFO time period based on your host’s tempo
– LFO Depth: Amount of LFO sent modulate delay and filter
– Filter Mod: Amount of interrupt/LFO modulation sent to filter cutoff
– Cutoff: Lowpass filter cutoff frequency
– Q: Lowpass filter resonance amount
– Mix: Wet/Dry effect blend
– Volume: Overall level of plugin’s output

Flux Interruptor comes with 16 presets to get you started.

YouTube Video


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