Bespoke Synth – Bespoke



size 35 MB  / 64 MB

Bespoke is a modular synthesizer / DAW capable of hosting VST plugins.

It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds. It is like a DAW in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration.

Bespoke’s core design is to break everything into separate modules that can be patched together in a custom layout, much like a hardware modular. Bespoke is designed to be highly customizable, with the idea that any of the custom layouts that you create will be “bespoke” to you as well.

YouTube video

 download win 64  download free vst

Bespoke-Windows  ( 35 MB )

Bespoke-Mac  ( 64 MB )

LINK  (  MB )

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