12bitz – XS-707

XS 707 1024x469 1


size 260 MB  / 260 MB  / 264 MB  / 261 MB

XS-707 is a rompler made out of a TR-707 kit sampled from an EMU EMAX 12 bit sampler.

Excessively sampled on 127 velocity layers for each drum element to capture the sound of the Emax fine analog filter.

It was recorded using an analog graphic EQ to boost some good frequencies, ending up in a tube preamp to add some warmth…

  • 1905 samples – 24 bit 44100 Hz. (440 MB unzipped)
  • 127 velocity layers.
  • 16 assignable outputs.
  • -/+ 2 pitch bend knob control.
  • LP/HP filter.

Zip includes both VST2 and VST3 formats.
Mac Catalina users : this plugin will probably not be authorized.

YouTube Video


download win 32 download win 64 download audio unit download free vst

XS-707_Win32 ( 260 MB )

XS-707_Win64 ( 260 MB )

XS-707_MacVST  ( 264 MB )

XS-707_MacAU ( 261 MB )

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